Buyer Information

Rebates and the Federal Carbon Tax

Rebates and the Federal Carbon Tax

Government Rebates Available

While furnace rebates change from year to year, manufacturers and professional installers generally keep up with available high-efficiency furnace rebates. Our goal is to keep Canadian homeowners informed of the true cost of any furnace upgrades. When shopping for furnaces in Canada, don’t forget to ask about grants, rebates, or tax credits for various products.

Rebates MAY Include:

  • High-efficiency natural gas furnaces
  • Propane furnaces
  • Boilers & combi-boilers
  • Central air conditioners
  • Ductless mini-split systems & heat pumps
  • Smart thermostats and more!

Federal Carbon Tax

The Federal Carbon Tax is part of the federal government’s carbon pollution pricing system. It applies to fuels that emit greenhouse gases when combusted, including natural gas. Effective April 1, 2020, the Federal Carbon Tax is $1.576/GJ.

To learn more, visit